Manga consists of panels like motion pictures that reveals details of actions boardering slow motion as well as rapid zooms to close up shots. Our project develops conventions similar to those of the art form "Manga". In the beggining of our teaser trailer two close up shots are used on the girls face and on the fire exit sign. Shots similar to these close ups are often used in Manga texts. They are generally used to create tension or put across a message. Our teaser is similar in the sense that we used a close up of a fire exit sign as it is nationally icon symbol that is associated with panic and a way out. The panning shot and then close up of the girl at the beggining of our trailer also develops the conventions of Manga art as similar shots are used in many Manga style texts. The idea of using sound and almost static shots is also a trate of our trailer which develops the conventions of the manga art form. We used panning shots of actors which are dead still added with the voice over to create tension, this technique is extremely common in Manga, such texts as " Naruto Manga " use similar techniques to build tension and to convey their message.

These stills used in Manga are said to be there to let the audience take in what is going on and to make their own perception of what they are viewing. Our Text being a teaser develops this as the aim of teasers is to tease the audience into wanting to watch the film. Our teaser using these stills entices the audience in the same sense that Manga uses them to entice the audience into wanting to watch the text. However we also challenged the conventions of Manga style art as we used these stills to atteact the audience not to help the audience make their own perception of the text.
- Elias and Jack-
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