Thursday 11 November 2010

Comerical and Thriller Zombie films.

Scene from 28 later.
Zombie films started with the aim to produce completeley serious pieces of text which the audience was meant to watch and feel that it was believeable, to feel that if zombies did actually exist then this is how it would be. Technological and generally text improvement has made this easier to suceed this objective over those years. However in contemporary zombie films producers have began to see the advantages of bringing  a comerical theme to the screen when producing zombie films, that the zombies are used as a metaphor for the victims of comericialism, Dawn of the dead is an example of this as it is set in a typical American shopping mall .Films such as 28 days later directed by Danny Boyle is an example of how these zombie films have been related closely to society giving it realism and in effect giving the film more of an edge. This is due to having these films so closely related to civilisation and what might actually happen if the world was to break out in an infection. The close relation to civilation brings an element of realism to such films and what makes such zombie films so effective to the audience. It is an example of another strain of zombie films, and is one based on disease and outbreak rather then the super natural, this being one of the main aspects i believe that brings realism to the screen.

Comerical zombie films such as "Shaun of the Dead" bring a completley diffrent theme and narrative to the screen. The fact that zombies are non existent makes it easier to bring humour into such a film, as the audience is comfortable that zombies arent real its easy to represent them in this way, that fact that their non existent makes it harder for the audience to take zombies films seriously. This can work to the advantage of zombie films as it helps bring a comerical element to it.  Using zombies to create a comerical theme is easier done then bringing a serious element to it. The fact that zombies are abnormal also makes it easier especially when they are potrayed as quite ugly looking human beings. However overall Thriller zombie films give out a much more intense atmosphere and  takes alot more skill, time and effort to produce a realistic piece of text which portrays sombies realisticly. Saying this the audience has nothing to relate to with the representation of what zombies should look like, but making sure that what the film represents  what zombies should look like is a difficult representation to put across effectively.

 Zombie- Land set in America  follows a group of four people trying to find their family members in a time of desperation, is a zombie film which i belive manages to bring an element of tension but also an extreme comerical element to the screen. The fact that they manage to do this makes it a very enjoyable piece of text as it puts out on the edge of your seat but also manages to give you and your friends a laugh while doing so, which tends to tone down all the blood and guts which are shown, which can sometimes also make this sort of film more appealing towards somebody who doesnt enjoy so much blood and guts and just likes to watch a funny film. . At the top written is one of the many comerical rules that the main character follows to try and stay alive, these rules seem to be constucted stupidly on purpose to add to the comerical part that the main character plays. These rules constructed by the production company offers an element of structure and seriousness to the text, but can also be realted to Video Games and is comerical in this way. On the left is a screen shot taken from the motion picture and gives an example of how these rules pop up on the screen throughout the film, reminding him when he break`s them ect, which again brings this element of the video game idea to the screen.
                                                - Jack -


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